Carbon Offsets
Our offsets focus on reforesting plots of biodiverse sacred forests (called kayas in Swahili). Our programs include 4 years of intensive cultivation and 10 years of monitoring of these plots (or kikundi), ensuring a 60- 80% tree survival rate. These areas will soon also be geotagged and “story-mapped.”
Though it is often estimated that one tree will sequester a ton of carbon in its lifetime, we plant at least five to ten trees per ton to ensure a true offset.
Your tax-deductible GWC carbon donation also supports other GWC community projects: seedbed nurseries that supply biodiverse tree species to eco-agriculture and reforestation projects; rainwater catchment systems for drip irrigation; drought-resistant “superfood” moringa trees; and training in regenerative organic farming (biota-rich soil organic matter stores at least twice as much carbon, and yields more nutrient-dense produce).
By offsetting your carbon footprint through Green World Campaign’s holistic programs, you are not just “sticking trees in the ground” as in other CO2 removal projects. You are helping to restore degraded land, alleviate poverty, provide food security and water, and create resilience in struggling communities on the front lines of climate change.
Help us make a difference
For corporate programs: Please contact us directly
To contribute by mail:
Green World Campaign | c/o EarthWays Foundation
20178 Rockport Way, Malibu, California 90265
Please make checks out to "EarthWays Foundation/Green World"