Projects that benefit people and planet.


How can we combine shrinking our own carbon footprint with stepping up to help our global neighbors? The Green World Campaign has created programs from India to Mexico, now focused on Kenya.

In rural areas outside Mombasa, Kenya, youth groups and students in Green World Schools programs establish and monitor seedbed nurseries, making multi-year pledges to care for the trees they plant. Some seedlings are planted on school grounds; others are brought to community lands; still others are distributed to new schools to start additional programs. Students become “ambassadors” in their communities for eco-sensitive practices, helping to catalyze positive change.  Education in eco-literacy, conflict resolution, and global citizenship  is being developed through a collaboratively designed curriculum.


The Green World Campaign has also helped to manage the restoration and protection of Kenya's 15,000-acre Rumuruti Forest in partnership with a smallholder farmer’s association of 5,000 families. GWC helps to protect endangered species and preserve a key watershed; replant indigenous trees (with 50 varieties now in nurseries); create eco-agriculture projects; and develop eco-tourism. By working with a network of non-profit and business partners, GWC helps community groups produce sustainable incomes from alternative livelihoods such as honey collection and growing artemesia, a front-line anti-malarial botanical. The GWC promotes simple, cheap and effective technologies like low carbon cookstoves and “green” charcoal made from agricultural waste, dramatically cutting carbon emissions and decrasing people's dependence on cutting down trees.

Since 2006, the Green World Campaign has planted trees and fostered eco-agriculture across the globe to address a key challenge of the 21st century: ReGreen the World. We focus on regenerative practices in close collaboration with communities to reach a balance between conservation and use of the environment, healing degraded soil, restoring woodlands, increasing food security, and providing sustainable livelihoods in impoverished rural communities. Trees provide fruit, animal fodder, sustainable building materials, medicine, fuel, and erosion control. Farms that follow “agro-ecology” practrices plus restoration of thriving woodland landscape preserves biodiversity and absorbs CO2 for climate change mitigation.

GWC’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) will be utilizing new geospatial information services and media platforms to enable global citizens observe measurable change in the health of the biosphere and the harmony of the global village.