Oil Pressing and ICRAF in Rumuruti


After Dickson Kamau the chairperson for the Rumuruti Forest Association visited one of our coastal sites to train people on Green Charcoal production, he was struck by the oil being pressed and got a full lesson in how to press his own oil.

Dickson has since brought this affordable cold pressing technology back to Rumuruti where he is helping local farms plant crop that don't attract elephants. Crops like Canola can produce an amazing oil and the elephants in the forest don't go after them. This reduces the amount of human-elephant conflicts in the region tremendously and less elephant and human deaths also means more eco-tourism.

The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) has also helped Green World Campaign - Kenya, obtain Moringa Stenopetala seeds that are good for growing in higher altitude areas like Rumuruti. We have sowed these seeds and are eagerly watching them grow. One day this oil press could be used to press high altitude Moringa Oil!


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